is a Turkish
journalist who has written extensively on Islam and the modern world. He has degrees in political science and history from Istanbul's
Bosphorus University. Currently he
is the opinion editor and a columnist for Turkish Daily News, Turkey's oldest
English-language daily. His popular blog is The White Path. He also writes a regular column for the
Turkish national daily, Star,
too. Akyol's opinion pieces have
appeared in The
Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, International Herald Tribune,
Newsweek, Der Spiegel, The American Interest, First Things, The Weekly
Standard, among others. He is the author "Rethinking The Kurdish Question:
What Went Wrong? What Next?" (2006, in Turkish).
Sample one of his one of
his recent pieces from Newsweek, or his article in The American Interest
about ÒTurkeyÕs
Veiled Democracy.Ó